Bengaluru based frontend web engineer. I design and develope USER FRIENDLY, RESPONSIVE & SLEEK websites. I also design cool and harmonic Logos and Templates.
This is my portfolio site. It's showcase of my knowledge in the field of web designing and development and tried my best to make a fast, responsive and appealing website... visit website
Baking Company is my first client and seriously they have some feeling happy collection of cakes and cookies. So poke the child inside yours and enjoy their creations with an awesome UI experience... visit website
Its a collection of my design and art related stuffs.It includes logo design, template design, web design, illustation and freehand artwork.I have put a few here.To visit them.. my designs
Rohan Goswami
COO, Ycenter/Creative Director,ProjectOne
A man with multiple talent. You ask him anything, you won’t be disappointed.
Manshi Dubey
web developer/photographer, Ycenter
A quick learner. His passion reflects in his work. He understands design and work dedicatedly to make something awesome.
Rishika Kalita
Owner, d' Baking Company(bangalore)
A person whom you can believe irrespective of anything. It is always a pleasure working with him.